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غنچه های پرپرشده؛تهیه کننده و کارگردان:بابک باقی

12 بازدید

    گزارش فیلم
    #مکتب_شهید_محرم_باقی #مکتب_شهید_محرم_باقی 7 دنبال کننده

    Bye, are you guilty of murder?! My oppressed Palestinian child, you will be buried in the hands of the bullies of women, freedom, life, human rights! These microbes are inferior to livestock animals, but they are the same. You are an unbloomed bud with your kind mother, you will be torn to pieces, the other shamelessly beats and dances to us, what are we, Iran, they are Palestine! We are going through this, the false claimants who wish we were in Karbala! What were we doing? This is Karbala, thirst, hunger, torture, bomb, siege; cut off the medicine, water, electricity... his shape has changed, so where are you?! There were always people who burn and are ready to burn in Karbala. Their way was closed and it is! You are the one who claims, why are you in the mouse hole! At least stop the burning and sacrifice of people supporting the oppressed and don't take! Oppressed Palestinian, despite the heartbreak of your departure, I know how much you enjoy your martyrdom when you reach God. But it's bad for the pretenders and impudents and dancers and footmen these days that Mahdi will put this before the eyes of Najastan that I showed Karbala again in 2023, but what a mistake you did! Then you will be envious of Yazid if you know what reception has been prepared for your dirty existence! social_cultural_network #The path of happiness 4 Babak remains #Etihad_Jahani_Her_Media_One_Fist